The average house price on WAXHILL CLOSE is £117,161
The most expensive house in the street is 9 WAXHILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £141,747
The cheapest house in the street is 23 WAXHILL CLOSE with an estimated value of £92,131
The house which was most recently sold was 6 WAXHILL CLOSE, this sold on 4 May 2023 for £115,000
The postcode for WAXHILL CLOSE is TF2 7QR
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
5 WAXHILL CLOSE Terraced £109,087 £79,950 18 Apr 2016
6 WAXHILL CLOSE Terraced £115,000 4 May 2023
9 WAXHILL CLOSE Terraced £141,747 £85,000 1 Dec 2006
12 WAXHILL CLOSE Terraced £129,470 £81,000 7 Jun 2007
18 WAXHILL CLOSE Terraced £111,113 £110,000 27 Jul 2022
21 WAXHILL CLOSE Terraced £119,420 £119,500 8 Sep 2022
23 WAXHILL CLOSE Terraced £92,131 £65,000 28 Oct 2015